Baby milestones - there are so many developmental milestones of abby’s first year and our Baby portrait Plan is designed to capture them all! It offers UNLIMITED portrait sessions throughout baby’s first year. Some clients wish to do monthly milestone photo shoots, while other chose to capture the most popular milestones. Our most popular requests during baby’s first year are:
gender reveal
maternity photos, pregnancy parenthood
newborn baby
3 month (tummy time milestone - perfect for close ups, personality begins to develop)
6-7 months (sitting session - captures baby’s milestone of conquering the ability to sit independently - usually performed between 6-7 months when baby can sit independently for a few minutes at a time
9 months - showcases the “standing” milestone - baby is able to stand holding onto something
cake smash first birthday photo shoot - excellent opportunity to capture family portraits with baby, mom and dad too!
beautiful close ups of 3 month baby girl Chapel Hill family photographer, Greensboro, Thomasville, Asheboro
sweet baby photos family photography in Reidsville, Jamestown, Eden, NC to Danville Va